Safety Rules

This product may be mistaken for a real firearm by law enforcement officers or others. Altering the coloration or markings required by state or federal law or regulations to make this product look more like a real firearm is dangerous and maybe a crime. Brandishing or displaying this product in public may cause confusion and maybe a crime. This section may be enforced by the attorney general under section 8.31, but a court may not impose a civil penalty of more than $500 for violation of this section

 *Do not use it indoors.

*Do not fire closer than 1ft.

*Do not use indoors.

*Do not fire closer than 1ft. to the ears.

*Do not carry it in your pocket.

*Do not to the ears.

*Do not carry it in your pocket.

*Do not aim near your face or eyes.

*Do not fire at people or aim near face or eyes.

*Do not fire at people or animals.

*Use only under adult supervision!